Coming soon
Visit this page daily for up to date events happening in the Bronx and the surrounding communities!

PUBLIC ART TO CELEBRATE THE LIBERATION OF NEW YORK STATE’S ENSLAVED AFRICANS Temporary Installation of All Five Life-Sized Bronzes in Yonkers Riverfront Library

(June 2021) Yonkers, NY – For the past twelve years, sculptor Vinnie Bagwell has been leading the development and creation of five life-sized sculptures: “Themba the Boatman”, “I’Satta”, “Bibi”, “Sola”, and “Olumide” for the Enslaved Africans’ Rain Garden, an urban-heritage sculpture garden for the Yonkers Downtown-Waterfront District. On Wednesday, March 31, 2021, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM the last-three-of-five life-sized bronze sculptures will be temporarily installed for public viewing at Yonkers Riverfront Library located at One Larkin Plaza in Yonkers, NY. They will remain at the library until the completion of the construction of the Rain Garden in June 2021. All five sculptures will then be permanently installed on the Hudson riverbank at 20 Water Street in Yonkers, NY. The artwork interprets the legacy of enslaved Africans who lived and worked at the Philipse Manor Hall–six of whom were among the first to be manumitted by law in the United States in 1799 (64 years before the Emancipation Proclamation). This is one-of-a-very-few examples in the nation where environmental green stewardship–using the rain-garden feature–has been married to public art.
To celebrate this milestone with the community, a virtual preview of the sculptures will be broadcasted on April 9, 2021, at 7:00 PM on the Enslaved Africians’ Rain Garden’s Facebook page, Queue Vision via ROKU/Amazon Fire TV, and Vinnie Bagwell’s YouTube channel. The virtual presentation will be hosted by CBS Westchester newscaster, Tony Aiello. Five short vignettes created to “humanize” the artworks, narrated by spoken-word artist, Ty Gray-El, will air following the program.
Ms. Bagwell says, “This project is so timely now that dialogue all over the country is focusing on racial equity and how public art reflects community values and challenges social injustice. The Enslaved Africans’ Rain Garden is designed to humanize the memory of enslaved Africans. It will make a unique contribution to the City’s Downtown-Waterfront District by offering the currency of accessible new information about the local history of Africans in America.”
In 2009, Hon. Patricia McDow, former Yonkers City-Council Majority Leader, brought the story of the enslaved Africans at Philipse Manor Hall to Vinnie Bagwell’s attention, which sparked the idea of creating a public-art initiative to honor enslaved Africans. Ms. Bagwell envisioned candid images of five enslaved Africans who will be met in a meditative rain garden. The idea of a rain garden–a planted depression that is designed to conserve municipal water resources by reducing the need for irrigation–has been chosen to demonstrate sustainability and environmental responsibility that make up the site-plan design. In addition, rain gardens can cut down on the amount of pollution reaching the Hudson River.
Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano declares, “Vinnie Bagwell teaches history and engages the community with her unique way of storytelling. Her art educates and empowers the public on African history; and, now more than ever, our country needs to be having these conversations. Enslaved Africans’ Rain Garden is a special platform for the Yonkers arts community, and I’m proud it is a part of downtown.”
Funding for the three new sculptures was made possible by a $20K grant from the National Endowment for the Arts paired with a match from the City of Yonkers to create and mold the children, “Sola and Olumide.” The City of Yonkers provided an additional $200K U.S Department of Housing and Urban-Development (HUD) Community-Development Grant for the casting of the two children, the fifth bronze “Bibi”, her granite pedestal, and four aprons for the other sculptures’ installation to match the County of Westchester’s contribution of $150K which will facilitate the construction of the Rain Garden in May 2021.
New York State Council on the Arts awarded a $90K grant to the City of Yonkers Planning Department for the creation of the first life-sized bronze, “I’Satta”, a lithe 6’ woman balancing a bucket on her head, while carrying fish. The City of Yonkers’ matching HUD Community-Development Block Grant of $100K funded the enlargement of the second bronze, “Themba the Boatman”, and the temporary exhibition in the library. In addition, ArtsWestchester (the largest non-profit arts council in New York State) awarded a $3,100 Arts Alive Grant. (Arts Alive Grants are made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a re-grant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York Stae Legislature, and administered by ArtsWestchester to support the exhibition.) Entergy awarded $7,500 to support additional artists’ workshops throughout the school year for Yonkers Public Schools, Sarah Lawrence College, and Sister to Sister, International, Inc.
Enslaved Africans’ Rain Garden (EARG), Inc., is a non-profit 501.c.3 arts organization that was created to promote public-art that celebrates the history of enslaved Africans, inspire future artists, and educate and empower the community-at-large. Hon. Patricia McDow, the president points out, “150 Years after emancipation, the fact that our nation has built monuments to almost every U.S. historical event of significance while neglecting slavery negates the contributions of millions of enslaved people to our national heritage. They deserve the full respect of having their dignity restored. The strongest aspect of the Enslaved African’ Rain Garden Initiative is that it begins to address reparations by giving a voice to the previously.

Today is the first day of a month long celebration honoring Women. Throughout the month, you will hear about many women who have made history. I applaud them all and look to them for motivation. However, we often do not celebrate strong courageous women who have overcome terrifying circumstances. These women are often our neighbors, coworkers and family members. At the FCSA it is our goal to care and empower women living with fibromyalgia that have survived trauma.
Beginning on Monday, we will share short video testimonials via our social media pages highlighting some of these women. Every Friday, you will receive the full length video via email.
I hope that you will make time to listen to their stories, applaud them for their courage and support the work that we do. Together we can break concrete ceilings!
In Peace, Power and Progress
Milly Velez
President and Executive Director

Heat season is in effect. Building owners are required to provide heat and hot water to their tenants. As “heat season” begins, we remind tenants, owners and landlords of temperature requirements for all apartments, and the availability of financial assistance for owner-occupied properties. All residential building owners are required to maintain indoor temperatures at 68 degrees when outdoor temperatures fall below 55 degrees during the day. Indoor temperatures must also be a minimum of 62 degrees overnight, regardless of outdoor temperatures. Building owners are required to provide hot water at 120 degrees year-round. File a heat or hot water complaint here.

What's Happening In Coop City?

Calling All Bronx Parents to Register Children Now!
PAL’s After-School Programs in the Bronx provide young people in Kindergarten through 8th grade with free high-quality after-school experiences based on a wide range of activities and academics including STEAM and literacy learning, visual and performing arts and physical education.
PAL focuses on social emotional well-being and responds to community needs by fostering exceptional community partnerships including with the NYPD. Young people participate in music, dance, poetry and theater arts to develop and showcase their talents, in addition to taking part in sports while learning about healthy lifestyles and nutrition. Children also benefit from targeted homework help.
“As we embark on our 110th year as an organization, PAL is excited to foster joy, creativity and youth led projects in our After-School programs,” said Meredith Gray, PAL Director of Program Development and Partnership.
After-school programs and academic enrichment build confidence in PAL children with project-based learning through STEAM initiatives, including coding, sustainable beehives, hydroponics, dance workshops, chess, tutoring, internships and career development.
PAL’s After-School Programs have open registration from September to June. For more information and to sign up your child in the Bronx, please contact the center in your area:
PAL Bronx School Based Centers:
MS 118 (serving Fordham-Tremont, Bronx)
Programming for 6th-8th grade
Contact: 347-862-6694
PS 47 (serving Soundview, Bronx)
Programming for Kindergarten-5th grade
Contact: 718-409-4164 x4301
PS 48 (serving Hunts Point, Bronx)
Programming for Kindergarten-5th grade
Contact: 718-378-0772
PAL Bronx Community Based Centers:
New South Bronx Center (serving South Bronx)
Programming for Kindergarten-8th grade
Contact: 718-991-2589
Webster-Giannone Center (serving Fordham and Tremont)
Programming for Kindergarten-8th grade
Contact: 718-733-6748 x4402
Founded in 1914, New York City’s Police Athletic League is a nonprofit organization that provides recreational, educational, cultural and social activities to 15,000 children and teens annually. For more information, please visit

Earth Day Celebration and Final Weekend

Dear Friend of the Climate Museum,
This is your last chance to include THE END OF FOSSIL FUEL in your weekend plans! Join us this Sunday, April 21, during the final weekend of the exhibition, for an Earth Day Celebration of creativity and community. We’re presenting a full day of activities for all ages, and you can also drop in anytime to see the show. Snacks and refreshments will be served, and as always, the Museum’s show and programming are free and open to everyone.
Please RSVP so we can plan well!
At our all-day watercoloring station, take inspiration from the exhibition’s mural by R. Gregory Christie, Making Tomorrow, or paint your own vision of a climate-safe and just future. More information and RSVP here.
Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned poet, explore your climate creativity through a poetry workshop drawing on elements of the show at 2pm. Open to middle-school-age through adult visitors; no prior experience necessary. More information and RSVP here.
Speed-friending, a visitor favorite, is back at 4pm! Talk climate with a range of kindred spirits, share climate origin stories, and meet new climate-interested friends. Open to high-school-age through adult visitors, and no prior experience necessary. More information and RSVP here. (Note: Speed-friending often gets loud! If you’re hoping to visit the exhibition without distraction, we recommend avoiding 4-4:45pm.)
The backdrop to all of these activities is the final weekend of THE END OF FOSSIL FUEL, which closes on April 25. Learn about the fossil fuel industry, the movement for climate and environmental justice, and the climate supermajority in the US. Please invite your friends and family to check out the exhibition in its final days!
We look forward to celebrating Earth Day and THE END OF FOSSIL FUEL with you on Sunday!
The Climate Museum team
P.S. This Friday, April 19, we’re joining the youth-led intergenerational Climate Emergency Strike in lower Manhattan. If you’d like to join our team, meet us at the pool of Collect Pond Park at 1:40pm. We’ll walk to the strike meeting point at Foley Square from there. Join us in calling on President Biden to declare a climate emergency and stop fossil fuel expansion!
Photos: Sari Goodfriend
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 818 9998 7787 Passcode: 309254

Today.. Brunch at The Dumpling Cove.. $34.99 ... Classy Family Setting...

Complimentary Online Webinar
Special Events

Hope you had a great summer. We kicked off the Labor Day weekend with a packed networking event at Del Frisco’s Double Eagle where members tasted delicious signature dishes, specialty wines and drinks. I hope to see you at some of the upcoming special events listed below. For a full listing of all our events; remember to visit
Mark Jaffe, President & CEO
9/11 Ceremony
It’s been 23 years since that terrible morning when we all realized that terrorism had come to our shores. I would like to invite all our board members, public safety, military and veterans affairs committee members to attend a solemn ceremony at Carl Schurz Park.
For further details text “9/11” to 914 242 6237
9/12 Black Tie Gala
Fashion comes to NYC!!! Join us at 149 W. 24th street for the annual Black Tie Magazine Gala featuring our long-time member Gloria Cressler. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will proceed an awards presentation & fashion show. PREPAID Chamber Members $50.00 & Guests $100.00
Limited Space No Walk-ins. For details and to RSVP: text “Black Tie” to 914 242-6237
9/24 23rd Annual Expo & International Conference
Come and Network with this year’s exhibitors at the Marriot Marquis in Times Square. RSVP at for the 9:00 am Welcome Coffee. Come and learn about artificial intelligence and our new health plan for members. Help us Celebrate Bangladesh Immigrant Day at 4:00 pm & stay for our 5:00 pm U.S. Korea Partnership Forum followed by the closing networking & awards reception. For further details text “Xpo” to 914 242 6237 or email
“When you think small business in NY you automatically think of the Greater NY Chamber”
Governor Kathy Hochul
“I salute the Greater NY Chamber for their consistent efforts to promote startups, entrepreneurs & small businesses”
NYC Mayor Eric Adams

To All:
The Throggs Neck Merchant Association, along with the Bronx DA, the 45th Precinct and Bronx Community Board #10, is hosting a new Program from the Bronx DA’s Office.
The Program is called the Bronx C.A.M.S (Bronx Community Assisted Mapping System). The goal of the Program is to improve Public Safety by learning about cameras in our Community for our Community.
Registration into this Program is voluntary and both Businesses and Residents are eligible.
DA’s Office does not supply cameras-they must already be mounted on-site.
We are fine-tuning some benefits/provisions of the program.
- Stickers on windows:
*to recognize participants
*to show notice that there on cameras on sight that may deter
potential criminals.
*to let residents know that your business is cooperating in a
Community Safety Program
- Notice stating that “camera footage is only to be used for the specific crime being
- Creating a rewards program (TBD) for those who are participating (maybe insurance discount, merchant membership, etc.
This program could facilitate the solving of a potential crime that may affect your business, your neighbor’s business and your neighboring homeowners, by having video evidence recovered in a timely manner.
We may organize a walk-through for some areas to provide you with additional information and to inspect if your cameras are placed in a strategic location to get optimum visuals.
Attached is a brief outline on the program and a paper application.
LINK BELOW IS FOR ON-LINE APPLICATION which is preferable to the DA’s Office.
Come to our next meeting where the BxCams Program will be unveiled and discussed.
Thank you for your time and attention on this important topic. Please RSVP or 718-892-1161 so we can get a head count for set-up.
Or Scan QR Code below


ACC is STILL at Critical Capacity
This summer, we’re offering a special adoption campaign to encourage more adoptions – you can adopt a large dog (40lbs +) or an adult cat (5 years and older) for just $5!
View all available animals at!
*Does not include spay/neuter deposit or NYC dog licensing fee*

Don't Be Late! It's a Very Important Date.
May 18–October 27, 2024
Head down the rabbit hole as Wonderland: Curious Nature transforms our 250 acres through the
sights, settings, and scents of the classic story of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Get ready for
all of the wonderfully weird beauty of Alice’s world of imagination, made real with thousands of
technicolor flowers. You'll go mad over the art and programs that challenge your perception of
reality, with work from newly announced artists including Alyson Shotz, Andre Kong, Foldhaus,
Yoko Ono, and more. And our Wonderland-themed food options will keep you refreshed
throughout your journey!
Won't you join us for tea?
Get Tickets
Click for additional events

Now that it’s July, summer is in full swing—and the Garden is full of life! From the water lilies in the Conservatory Pools to the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden, seasonal treasures of all kinds are making our 250 acres vibrant and mesmerizing.
Wine & Water Lilies—our all-new summer evening events—start next Saturday, July 15! Join us at the Conservatory Courtyards to sip on a summery drink and enjoy live music, workshops, and light bites. While you’re here, Ebony G. Patterson’s …things come to thrive…in the shedding…in the molting… is a must-see this summer. Featuring breathtaking and provocative displays of art and nature, don’t miss your chance to experience captivating installations by one of the most exciting contemporary artists of our time.
Our calendar is brimming with drop-in tours, classes, volunteer events, family activities, and more as the weather warms and our collections bloom with summertime beauty. Don’t miss out!


February 17th through February 21st
March 17th through March 21st
March 24th through March 28th
April 14th through April 18th
Write it! Rehearse it! Premiere Original Mini-Musical!
Registration is open for future Broadway Stars!
When School is out, TADA! is in! Now offering week-long public and private school break camps for ages 4-5 & 5-9 in February, March, and April, 2025 at TADA! Youth Theater, 15 West 28th Street in Manhattan.
Write it! Rehearse it! Perform it! Immerse yourself in the magic of storytelling! Each week, students co-create an original musical in just five days. Children unleash their inner star, share their voice and create memories that will last a lifetime. Join TADA! Youth Theater for a week of laughter, creativity, and applause.
TADA! Youth Theater presents week-long musical theater school break camps that take place from February 17th through February 21st Wish My Life Was A Musical!; March 17th through March 21st Pirates & Princesses!; March 24th through March 28th Unicorns, Mermaids, Dinosaurs, OH MY! and April 14th through April 18th The Show Must Go On! at TADA! Youth Theater, 15 West 28th Street in Manhattan.
Children, ages 4-5 & 5-9, attend camp Monday through Friday with ages 4-5 from 9:00AM-1:30PM and ages 5-9 from 9AM through 5PM.
For registration information, please visit:
No child should be turned away because of their inability to pay. Financial Assistance available.
Each week, students dive into the magic of musical theater. On the last day of all camps, friends and family are invited to attend the premiere of the campers’ original mini-musical.
TADA! is a unique Drama Desk award-winning nonprofit youth theater that produces original musicals for children, teens, and family audiences. TADA! offers a free, year-round, pre-professional training and positive youth development program for members of the Resident Youth Ensemble of TADA! (RYET), talented youth ages 8-18; musical theater classes/camps for the public; as well as musical theater residencies in NYC schools and community centers. TADA!’s high-quality work enhances young people’s self-confidence and creativity which develops advanced skills in leadership, communication, responsibility, collaboration, and problem-solving skills that help with growing up and are essential to their success both in school and in life.
Photo Courtesy of TADA! Youth Theater

New York City… Janine Nina Trevens, TADA! Youth Theater Founder and Executive and Producing Artistic Director, announces TADA! Youth Theater’s 40th Anniversary. Since 1984, TADA!, a unique Drama Desk award-winning nonprofit youth theater, has offered a free, year-round, pre-professional training and positive youth development program for members of the Resident Youth Ensemble of TADA! (RYET). TADA! has presented 100 productions including 53 original musicals for children, teens and family audiences. Continuing its tradition of excellence, on April 26, 2025, TADA! will open Game Changers, written by RYET alum Christina Franklin, Music and Lyrics by Matthew Gregory and directed by RYET alum Ceanna Bryant.
Celebrating a legacy of creativity, empowerment and joy, TADA! is dedicated to creating high-quality musical theater programming for young people, giving them the opportunity to explore their creativity and discover themselves through the transformative power of the arts.
The story of two dreamers: Janine Nina Trevens and choreographer Linda Reiff came up with a bold idea to give young people a chance to shine on stage, while developing self-confidence and life skills. They launched their first production at a local theater festival with a small budget raised by family and friends, and TADA! was born. Over the past 40 years, TADA! has become New York City’s premier youth theater company and touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people.
TADA!’s high-quality work enhances young people’s creativity which develops advanced skills in leadership, communication, responsibility, collaboration, and problem solving that help with growing up and are essential to their success both on and off the stage.
“TADA! is a place where everyone works together to make something stronger. It’s not about being a star. It’s about helping each other and giving to each other to make the work the best that it can be,” said Janine Nina Trevens, TADA! Youth Theater Founder and Executive and Producing Artistic Director.
“You say ‘Yes and’ and you keep it going and you keep adding to the possibilities of the scene and the story,” she continued. “Kids need a place in their lives where it’s about yes and a place where there are endless possibilities and a place where the right answer comes from inside of them. TADA! is a place where they have a voice and where they can play and create and think outside the box. This is even more important now than it was 40 years ago.”
In addition to RYET performances, TADA! programs include musical theater classes and camps for the public, as well as musical theater residencies in New York City schools and community centers. In the past 40 years, in addition to 186,000 audience members enjoying original musicals, TADA! offered 1,772 Education Programs in 180 schools. More than 852,000 young people have participated in Theater and Arts Education Programs.
What does TADA! mean to the young performers? “TADA! taught me how to make friends, how to talk to people, and how to be more open. There is no judgment,” said Hakiem, 18, RYET member. “People want to be your friend here. TADA! teaches you how to get back up. We all have our falls and stumbles. At TADA!, there is always someone there to pick you up. It teaches you to have thicker skin, but also to let people in and help you.”
TADA! Youth Theater milestones include:
- In the 1990s, TADA! presented 11 World Premiere original family musicals, commissioned specifically for TADA!’s Ensemble and family audiences, including classics produced in recent seasons including B.O.T.C.H, The History Mystery and Everything About Camp (almost).
- 1993: TADA! kicked off its first weeklong camp that created the foundation for the transformative arts education experiences that would inspire countless young performers.
- 1994: TADA! Ensemble performed at the White House in the East Room.
- 1997: TADA! original commissioned musicals became available for public productions nationwide, opening doors for young theatre-makers all across the country.
- 2002: TADA! moved into its current theater
- 2008: First Lady Laura Bush presented TADA! with the Coming Up Taller Award, the nation’s highest honor by the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities.
- 2009: Drama Desk Award Winner In 2009, TADA! made history as the first youth theater to win a Drama Desk Award for providing an invaluable contribution to the future of the theater for making outstanding training and experience accessible and affordable to young people and mounting productions remarkable for their quality and professionalism.
- 2013: TADA! Ensemble members performed at Carnegie Hall in New York Pops.
- 2014: TADA! Ensemble members traveled to New Orleans to see Crescent City Lights Youth Theater production of TADA! original musical, Sleepover. One member of the Ensemble was invited on stage to play piano with legendary Preservation Hall Jazz Ensemble.
- 2018: TADA! brought 129 arts education programs to students at 42 different schools and community centers in the New York City area.
- 2024: TADA! presented its first two-act musical, Common Ground. Book and Lyrics by Lisa Diana Shapiro.
TADA! Ensemble alumni include Academy and Emmy-winning director, writer, actor, producer and comedian Jordan Peele (member of the TADA! Board of Directors, Film: Get Out, Us, Nope TV: Key & Peele), Kerry Washington (Film: The Six Triple Eight, TV: Scandal, Broadway: American Son), Josh Peck (Film: Oppenheimer, TV: How I Met Your Father and Drake & Josh), Mizuo Peck (Film: A Night at the Museum 1, 2, and 3), Sasha Allen (Film: Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, TV: The Voice, Broadway: MJ The Musical and HAIR), Ricardo A. Zayas (Film: West Side Story and Tick, Tick…Boom, Broadway: Moulin Rouge), and Sheldon Henry (Broadway: Once Upon A Mattress, The Who’s Tommy The Musical and Tina, The Tina Turner Musical). Ensemble Members and Alumni have also appeared on Broadway in The Lion King, Kinky Boots, Matilda, Carousel, Hamilton, The Prom, and Head Over Heels.
For more information about TADA!, please visit
About Janine Nina Trevens
TADA! Youth Theater Founder, Executive and Producing Artistic Director
Janine Nina Trevens co-founded TADA! with Linda Reiff in 1984. Nina has served as Artistic Director for all of the works produced by TADA!, many of which she commissioned specifically for the company. For TADA!, she wrote The Perfect Monster, The History Mystery, The Little House of Cookies, Sweet Sixteen, and Odd Day Rain.
She directs many of TADA!’s musicals, numerous staged readings, and Ensemble appearances at various locations and events in and around NYC including 2016’s Banned Together: A Censorship Cabaret for Dramatists Legal Defense Fund by John Weidman at The Drama Book Shop. Nina was selected as one of 10 Parenting Leaders by Parenting Magazine, and she was one of only five women nationally to receive Family Circle’s First Annual Halo Award for women who make a difference. She was chosen to be part of the #OneInspired World Observatory opening and was featured as an artist that has made a NYC difference. She is proud to have served on funding panels for NYSCA, DCA, ART/NY and TCG. Nina is a member of the League of Professional Theatre Women.
Photo Caption: TADA! Youth Theater Celebrates 40th Anniversary: The History Mystery Cast Photo: Chad David Kraus Photography

CUNY to Waive Application Fee for NYC Public HS Seniors
Did you know CUNY (City University of New York), has waived the application fee for ALL New
York City public high school seniors? Until April 15, students graduating between now and August
2023 who apply for Fall 2023 enrollment to a CUNY school can apply without worrying about an
application fee. To submit your application or to learn more, click below.

Get your tickets for what The New York Times says is “stepping into another world…”
Need plans for the long weekend? Starting this Saturday, February 18, discover The Orchid Show: Natural Heritage, as the inviting floral vision from acclaimed designer Lily Kwong opens to the public. Experience the fantastical and captivating designs of Kwong, who drew inspiration from her ancestral connections to the natural world, and find yourself immersed in countless colorful orchids enfolded into rolling mountains throughout the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory.
The Orchid Show offers many ways to learn more about orchids, with programs including Q&As with orchid experts, drop-in sessions with NYBG horticulturists, and more. Looking for a fun evening outing this spring? Don’t miss Orchid Nights starting in March. With music, food and drinks, and art-making, it’s an unforgettable way to discover the show.
Customers Can Take Advantage of Individual Payment Plans, Energy Efficiency
Programs & Savings Tips
NEW YORK – Con Edison offers customers relief from the volatility of energy prices with its
Level Payment Plan option, energy saving tips and more.
“Helping customers manage their energy costs is one of the most important things we do,”
said Michele O’Connell, senior vice president of Customer Operations. “We are here to help
customers take advantage of the right payment options and the energy efficiency upgrades
that are right for them.”
Level Payment Plan
To avoid seasonal price spikes, customers can sign up for the level payment plan to spread
energy payments out evenly across the year.
Payment Extensions
Con Edison offers extensions of up to 10 days for customers who need extra time to make
a payment.
Flexible Payment Agreements
For customers who have fallen behind on their bills, Con Edison offers flexible payment
Check your benefits
Customers enrolled in assistance programs may be eligible for discounts on their energy
bills through our Energy Affordability Program. Also, see if you’re eligible for the state’s
Home Energy Assistance Program, which helps New Yorkers heat and cool their homes.
Bill Assistance Credits
Con Edison is also currently helping eligible residential and small commercial customers
secure one-time bill credits for past-due bills through May 1, 2022, authorized under New
York State’s Electric and Gas Bill Relief Program. In addition, Con Edison is coordinating
with government agencies to provide utility bill relief credits to qualified renters under the
New York State Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).
Last year, Con Edison issued $360 million in bill credits to more than 200,000 low-income
customers through these programs.
Help for Seniors and People with Disabilities
Con Edison offers special protections and payment options for eligible customers who are
62 or older, blind or permanently disabled, or live with someone in one of these categories.
Energy Saving Tips
One of the best ways for customers to lower their energy bills is by reducing energy use.
Customers can use less energy and save more money with simple, small changes around
their home or business.
Rebates and Incentives
Con Edison also offers a range of rebates and incentives for renters and homeowners –
from LED light bulbs to a furnace or boiler tune-up – to promote efficient equipment which
saves money and helps maintain comfort all-year-round.
Business customers can visit the Con Edison website to find savings that are right for them.
For More Help
Customers who need help signing up for My Account, using self-service, or getting payment
assistance, can speak to a customer service specialist by calling 212-358-4565 or visit

Employment Opportunities with the City of NY
The City Dept. of Administrative Services (DCAS) manages job recruitment for city government, including
examinations for Civil Service. Start at this page, or search for jobs here (to search by agency or area of
interest) or here (to search by job ID# or agency) Below is a small selection of jobs currently available:
Department of Social Services:
· Client Services Counselor (Social Worker) – Salary $58,471 (annual) – Job ID# 574258
· Job Opportunity Specialist – Salary $42,389 (annual) – Job ID#552883
· Eligibility Specialist – Salary $37,748 (annual) – Job ID#553797
· Administration for Children’s Services
· Youth Development Specialist (50 positions) – Salary $47,393 (annual) – Job ID# 554430
· Child Protective Specialist (125 positions) – Salary $50,757 (annual) -Job ID# 556821
· RA (Reasonable Accommodations) Specialist – Salary $71,423.00 – $ 82,137.00 (Annual) – Job ID#
Office of Management and Budget Office of Management and Budget
· Unit Head for Sanitation Unit – Salary $103,307.00 (annual) – Job ID# 563683
· Budget Analyst for the Labor Contracts Analysis Unit – Salary $51,550.00 – $73,806.00 – (annual) –
Job ID# 554394
Office of Technology and Innovation
· Director, Agency Solutions – Salary: $80,931 – $140,000 (Annual) – Job ID# 535255
· Associate Data Engineer – Salary: $54,281 – $77,250 (Annual) – Job ID# 520079
· Chief Engineer, Mayor’s Office of Media & Entertainment – Salary: $58,700 – $100,000 (Annual) –
Job ID# 538050

The Community Flood Action Toolkit is a new resource from the team at FloodHelpNY. This toolkit provides high-level information about flood insurance and retrofits.
The toolkit is available in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Russian, and Haitian Creole.
Link to toolkit and more information: Flood Risk Is Rising | News and Info on Flooding |

Yesterday, I presented testimony in response to the Rent Guidelines Board`s proposal to increase rent on thousands of rent-burdened New Yorkers.
As inflation continues to batter the finances of our low- and middle-income households, we must avoid increasing the financial burden for residents who are already struggling. These price increases are often not being offset by increased wages for Bronxites, placing thousands of residents under increased financial stress. Half of rent-stabilized tenants are already rent-burdened and do not receive any other housing subsidy.
I urge the Rent Guidelines Board to protect vulnerable New Yorkers by rejecting these proposed rent increases.

Income tax filing season is underway! Time to Free File
Income tax filing season is underway! Time to Free File
Visit for truly free tax filing
The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance today announced the start of the 2024 income tax filing season. The Tax Department and the IRS will begin processing income tax returns on Monday, January 29, 2024. The deadline to file returns and pay any tax owed (or request an extension of time to file) is midnight on April 15, 2024.
The Department urges taxpayers to explore submitting their taxes using Free File software available on the Tax Department website at (search: free). Taxpayers who meet income and other qualifications may be eligible to file both federal and New York State returns with private online tax preparers at no cost through the Tax Department website using Free File.
Many New Yorkers take advantage of this free service each year, saving them hundreds of dollars and more in tax preparation fees.
“Too often, taxpayers who use commercial tax preparation software are surprised by charges for additional fees when completing their annual filing,” said Acting Commissioner Amanda Hiller. “For a truly free experience, go to the New York State Tax Department website where there are no added costs or hidden fees – ever – for those who qualify.”
Free File information is available in multiple languages at the Department’s website.
The Tax Department website also offers income tax filing resources for taxpayers who want to do their own taxes. It explains how to get started, how to check for available tax credits and how to check the status of your refund. It also provides tips for hiring a tax preparer for people who prefer to have someone do their taxes for them.

The Baychester Library will be closing starting November 21st.

Letter from the CEO
Happy New Year! On behalf of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, I want to extend warm wishes for a meaningful and fulfilling 2025. As we commemorated International Holocaust Remembrance Day this past week, we took time to honor the survivors, remember the six million Jews, and mourn the countless others who fell victim to one of history’s darkest chapters. Their stories compel us to ensure that the lessons of the Holocaust remain vivid in our collective memory. Today, we reaffirm our commitment to combating antisemitism and safeguarding Jewish religious freedom wherever it is threatened.
At JCRC-NY, we believe education is a cornerstone of progress. That’s why we continue to advocate for comprehensive Jewish identity education in K-12 schools and proactive anti-discrimination measures for students in colleges and universities. In fact, I recently published an op-ed in the New York Daily News outlining these priorities in greater depth.
Beyond education, our work spans many areas. Recently, our Israel and International Affairs team, in collaboration with our Government Affairs team, hosted an extraordinary event at the Sephardic Community Center in Brooklyn, where we honored House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries with our first annual Shamash Award, for his leadership and unwavering ally-ship with the Jewish community.
House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries standing in Washington D.C. with the JCRC-NY Shamash Award
Nurturing future leaders is also central to our mission, and in December, we celebrated the graduation of our latest Bridges-NY Fellows. For this fellowship, we recruit a religiously and ethnically diverse group of rising leaders in public policy and civic service, providing them with a year of intensive leadership training and a deeper understanding of Jewish identity and Israel. Many go on to influential careers in New York, carrying lasting connections with us, the Jewish community, and each other. The program’s impact continues to grow—applications doubled this year, reflecting its rising prestige. Just last week, we were thrilled to welcome a new cohort, ready to embark on this transformative journey.
On December 12, 2024, a cohort of 16 fellows graduated from JCRC-NY’s Bridges-NY Fellowship
Looking ahead, this Sunday, we will host our annual Congressional Breakfast, bringing together government leaders from local to national levels to discuss pressing issues impacting the Jewish community and our neighbors. We are expecting a powerhouse line-up of our New York congressional delegation and that is a testament to the strong relationships we have cultivated together with our communal partners. And, of course, we are already preparing for the Israel Day on Fifth Parade, which will take place on May 18, 2025. Each day, we do all we can to celebrate Israel and stand in solidarity with our Israeli brothers and sisters as we advocate for the safe return of all hostages. We are not whole until we are all home.
Strength and resilience are ingrained in our Jewish community, and that was evident once again when this past weekend Miriam, an Israeli restaurant in Brooklyn, was vandalized with antisemitic graffiti. I visited the site that day to ensure accountability and see that our NYPD partners were launching an immediate investigation. I was deeply moved to see that throughout the day, crowds poured into the restaurant to support the business (just so you know, the falafel there is ten out of ten!). Neighbors, both Jewish and non-Jewish, showed up. This is who we are, as Jewish people and as allies: we rise, we rally, and we build strength through community and purpose.
Rafael Hasid, the owner of Miriam in Brooklyn, showing me around his restaurant, which the night before, had been vandalized with antisemitic graffiti. JCRC-NY was one of the first to respond to the incident, making sure Rafael had the support he needed.
Thank you for your generous support for making the work of JCRC-NY possible and we welcome the opportunity for additional support to increase our ability to make even a greater impact in this important work.
In solidarity,
Mark Treyger



2 Desbrosses St, New York, NY 10013
6-7pm Cocktails
7-9pm Awards Dinner & Auction
9-11pm After Party
FUTURA 2000, Ebony G. Patterson, & Abbott Stillman
Family Storytime!

Saturday, February 1 • 1:00 – 2:00 PM • Recommended for ages 2-6 • Free!
Photo by Argenis Apolinario.
Join us this Saturday for family Storytime! We’ll head into the galleries to talk about artist FUTURA 2000’s inspirations for the exhibition BREAKING OUT, read a book together that connects to some of its themes, then create art related to the story.
The activity is free and open to all, with no registration required—please plan to join by 1:00pm and stay for the full hour. Recommended especially for ages 2-6 and their caregivers, but everyone is welcome!
Saturday, February 1 • 1:00 – 2:00 PM • Recommended for ages 2-6 • Free!
Photo by Argenis Apolinario.
Join us this Saturday for family Storytime! We’ll head into the galleries to talk about artist FUTURA 2000’s inspirations for the exhibition BREAKING OUT, read a book together that connects to some of its themes, then create art related to the story.
The activity is free and open to all, with no registration required—please plan to join by 1:00pm and stay for the full hour. Recommended especially for ages 2-6 and their caregivers, but everyone is welcome!

Organized & Facilitated by the 2024 AIM Fellowship Cohort
Saturday, February 8 • 12:30 – 5:00 PM • For Artists • Free • Please RSVPPhoto by Argenis Apolinario.
As part of The Bronx Museum’s flagship AIM Artist Fellowship—an annual career accelerator program for the most promising artists based in NYC—the AIM Convening is a day of professional development and community-building activities open to all artists. You are welcome to drop in for part of the Convening—however, attending the full event is recommended!
Event Schedule
12:30 PM — Doors Open & Check-In Begins
12:30 – 5:00 PM — Virtual Art Exhibition (Submit Your Work To Be Included)
1:00 – 2:00 PM — Soundbath (With Toisha Tucker)
1:00 – 3:00 PM — One-On-One Artist Career Advisory Sessions (With 2024 AIM Fellows, Pre-Registration Required, Sessions are 20-Minutes/Person)
2:00 – 2:30 PM—Tea Blending Workshop & Vision Board Crafting
3:00 – 4:00 PM—Demystifying Grant Applications (Panel Discussion and Q&A)
4:00 – 5:00 PM — Reception (Catered By La Morada with Beverage Sponsorship by Sool & Sanzo)

Friday, December 6
6:00 – 8:00 PM
For All Ages
FREE! Optional Registration
The first Friday of the Month, the Museum stays open until 8PM with the FUTURA 2000: BREAKING OUT exhibition on view in our galleries for you to enjoy! Plus, Uptown Vinyl Supreme will be spinning records, Sun Kim Dance Theatre will perform, and JRose will share spoken word poetry.

Saturday, December 7
1:00 – 4:00 PM
For All Ages
FREE! Optional Registration
Celebrate the season at The Bronx Museum with our popular annual event: Winter Wonderland! The festive occasion is fun for all ages and appropriate for families with young children. Winter Wonderland includes: art activities, a photo booth, live music, hot chocolate, and more!
ON VIEW NOW: Making Room
Experience Art! With Exhibiting Artists

In the mood for pottery? Or perhaps you’re feeling snackish for good food and conversation? You can sate those hankerings and experience creative fun this Saturday afternoon in artist-led expieriences! Participating artists each have work on view in Bronx Calling: The Sixth AIM Biennial (Part Two), which closes this Sunday—so this weekend is also your last chance to see this powerful exhibition
The Bronx Museum reveals schematic design for renovation of its Grand Concourse entrance, and announces rebrand + website relaunch

The Bronx Museum of the Arts, the city’s only free contemporary art museum, is pleased to reveal schematic designs for the renovation of its new multi-story entrance and lobby on the corner of Grand Concourse and 165th Street by Marvel, an award-winning architecture, landscape architecture, interiors and urban planning practice. Marking the Museum’s 50th anniversary, the $26 million renovation is supported by city funds––with additional support from the state––and is overseen by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) on behalf of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) and The Bronx Museum, and is slated for completion in 2025. Coinciding with this announcement, the Museum is pleased to share a refresh of its brand identity and website by New York based strategy and design studio Team. It is the first time the Museum’s identity has been redesigned in over two decades.
The Bronx Museum was founded in 1971 by community leaders and activists at a time when the borough was in crisis, and for half a century has carved an identity as a museum dedicated to social justice. The Museum remains committed to investing in its local communities and the belief that art and culture are essential on the path to achieving social justice and equity. Klaudio Rodriguez, Executive Director, comments: “The Bronx Museum was founded for the people of the Bronx, and has become a globally recognized institution. With the renovation of our entrance and new identity, we hope to further our mission to not only champion artists who are not typically represented within museums, but also amplify our ability to educate, engage and provide a critical gathering space for our communities.”
Marvel’s renovation of the South Atrium will elegantly integrate the South Wing with the North Wing by utilizing a unifying architectural language and a reimagined, spacious lobby with a seating area, a gathering space, and large street-facing displays for rotating installations. The relocation of the main entrance towards the highly-visible intersection of Grand Concourse and 165th Street will open up the Museum’s reach and expand the experience to the sidewalk, offering multiple visibility opportunities for art and public programming from the street.
Jonathan Marvel, founding principal, Marvel, comments: “Marvel’s design for the renovation and expansion of The Bronx Museum channels the Bronx’s can-do, hip-hop creativity and resourcefulness. More than a museum, The Bronx Museum breaks down barriers, is a source of culture and a gathering space for the community, and visitors from around the globe. The Marvel team is enthusiastically working alongside The Bronx Museum to blur the boundaries of building and sidewalk, and reach a city-wide audience. In designing a new front door for the people of the Bronx, we are opening the Museum’s exhibitions, programs and events for the entire community to enjoy.”
The design principles are rooted in the Grand Concourse’s history and the building’s evolution throughout the past four decades. Marvel’s primary design goal was to unify the Museum’s multiple buildings into a single experience and make it a recognizable public destination within the
Bronx. Not only focused on the cohesion of the exterior but also internally, the renovation offers new connections between both buildings and allows for a fully accessible route through all the galleries. Stemming from the articulation of the 2006 North Wing addition, Marvel utilizes folded copper bronze panel roofs that reflect the warm tones of the surrounding brick and tie to the art deco influence of the Concourse district. Furthermore, the design pays respect to the existing synagogue building from 1962 by stripping down the dark metal panels that conceal brick walls of the original design.
Marvel proposes an architecture that is accessible and open to all with no visual interference to the multiple layers of art and activities happening inside the Museum. The building is glazed on all sides, interlaced with glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) textured walls that serve as interior exhibition surfaces and frame the views into the deeper gallery spaces. The project aims to bring the street into the gallery and bring the gallery back to the street, blending the boundary between the two, keeping in line with the active street life of the neighborhood. The expansive triple-height project space at the corner offers a clear opportunity that allows art to be visible to pedestrians and invites newcomers inside. As soon as one enters the Museum at the intersection of the roof planes, the visitor is immersed in the museum experience, stepping into a welcoming space that aspires to become the Bronx’s new living room.
Led by award-winning design firm Team––known for their work with such arts organizations as Philadelphia Contemporary, Absolut Art, and the Foundation for Contemporary Arts––the redesign of the Museum’s logo and website mark a crucial step in the revitalization of its identity after half a century of serving the Bronx. Formulated as The Bronx Museum celebrates its 50th Anniversary, the new brand identity is bold, distinct, and resilient so as to reflect the ethos of the Museum and its vital work at the intersection of art and social justice.
Amy Globus, Co-founder and Creative Director of Team, comments: “The Bronx is the only borough in New York with ‘the’ in its name. The Bronx Museum’s new logo proudly embraces ‘the’ as a confident declaration of the institution’s acclaimed history and vision. Anchored on ‘the,’ the bold design system features striking typography and an expressive palette that embeds the museum name in all of its programming, events and initiatives. The new identity is dynamic, expressive, and the shorthand for everything The Bronx Museum represents: the culture, spirit, and tenacity of The Bronx.”
Just as the new entrance provides wider public access to the Museum, so too will the new website—which, for the first time, will provide a bilingual user experience with Spanish translations and prominently display The Bronx Museum’s rich archival material, including educational initiatives such as the Teen Council. An unparalleled program offering paid opportunities for young people to deeply engage with contemporary art and the museum space, the Teen Council has conducted an ongoing series of interviews, since 2005, with artists including Firelei Báez, Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Layota Ruby Frazier, Jamel Shabazz, and Sarah Sze.
“A little over fifty years ago, The Bronx Museum was founded by trailblazing activists during a time of upheaval and instability in the Bronx, and in the ensuing years, the Museum along with the community experienced both great accomplishments and profound challenges,” continued Executive Director Klaudio Rodriguez. “Each time, we, along with the Bronx, grew stronger and met the challenges valiantly, humbly, with purpose and resolve. While the road ahead is exciting and bright, we are poised, nimble, and ready to take on any challenge that comes our way. Because the future is a shining beacon before us, and we are Bronx Strong.”

We are excited to introduce you to an incredible initiative that the Office of Council Member Kevin C. Riley is participating in – the HealthBucks program. The incentive behind this program is to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of our community.
How Does It Work?
Earn HealthBucks: You can earn HealthBucks by participating in various activities or programs aimed at promoting health and wellness with our office. When you see us out in the community – come check in!
Redeem for Fresh Produce: Use your HealthBucks at any participating farmers’ market to get fresh, local produce. It’s a great way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet while supporting local farmers.
SNAP Redemption at Farmers Markets: For individuals that have SNAP, every $2 spent at farmers markets using your EBT card, you can get $2 in Health Bucks, up to $10 per day.
I Got My HealthBucks, Now What?
Visit Your Local Farmers’ Market: Find a participating market near you. Farmers Market Map
These are the Farmers’ Markets in District 12!
Eastchester Farmstand @ the Northeast Bronx YMCA
1250 East 229th Street
Wednesdays from July 3 to Nov. 27, 9:30AM – 2:30PMCo-op City Farmer’s Market by the Co-op City Firehouse
Asch Loop & Aldrich Street
Wednesdays & Saturdays from June 12 to Nov. 20, 8AM – 3PMThe Market at Bissel Gardens
Baychester Ave & Camp Street
Saturdays from July 6 to Nov. 23, 10AM – 4PM

Family members can call Advocacy for Children’s Education Helpline with questions about the NYC school system. Our Helpline, funded in part by the City Council, is staffed by bilingual education specialists who provide information and resources and, in a limited number of cases, assign AFC attorneys to represent low-income families. We can speak with families in their language. The phone number is 866-427-6033 (toll free), and it is open from Monday to Thursday, 10:00AM to 4:00PM.

The SUNY Bronx Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) provides tuition-free academic and vocational programs in areas including, but not limited to the following:
• High School Equivalency (HSE)
• College Prep (CP)
• English as a Second Language (ESL)
• Vocational Academic Preparation Lab (VAPL)•
• Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
• Home Health Aide (HHA)
• Master Barber (MB)
• Medical Assistant (MA)
• Security Guard Registration (SRT)
• Direct Support Professional (DSP)
• Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
• Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)
• Advanced Technology Training and Information Networking (ATTAIN) Lab (Online)

The New Economy Project’s NYC Financial Justice Hotline is (212) 925-4929. The hotline is available Tuesday through Thursday from 12–2 PM and Monday from 4–6 PM. The hotline provides free legal advice, information, and referrals to low-income New Yorkers and community groups. The hotline can help with a variety of financial justice issues, including:
Unfair bank practices
Abusive debt collection
Credit reports and tenant screening reports
Payday loans, check cashers, and pawn shops
Prepaid debit cards and payroll cards
Sending money home (remittances)

Lastly, Team Riley would like to inform the community about several services we facilitate. Our current in-office services are supported by partnerships with various legal providers, including the Urban Justice Center for Domestic Violence and Family Clinic services, the Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corporation for housing application assistance, and CUNY Citizenship Now for immigration inquiries. We are also excited to announce a new partnership with the Veteran Advocacy Project to launch a legal clinic in-district, starting October 24th. The clinic will be available every fourth Thursday of the month, providing veterans and their families with access to vital services and screenings. To schedule an appointment with the Veteran Advocacy Project—whether in our office, virtually, or over the phone—please complete this form.
You can contact us any time at 718-685-5509 or to be referred to screening for any of these services and more.

Free Estate Planning Services!
As part of the Black Homeownership Project, Bronx Neighborhood Housing Services is hosting the Generation2Generation Estate Planning program for free estate planning services, in partnership with the Center for NYC Neighborhoods, NHSNYC, NHS Brooklyn, Restoration Plaza, and Grow Brooklyn. To make an appointment, please contact 718-881-

Citizenship Services
Starting this October, the CUNY Citizenship Now! clinic will be doing in-person citizenship application events on Saturdays — including some dates in the Bronx. To schedule an appointment, please call team at 646-664-9400 | 212-652-2071, text them at 929-334-3784, or request a callback on their form HERE. I am proud to support this initiative with the City Council to support our newest New Yorkers to get high-quality, free services. is a new comprehensive hub with helplines and services that offer a range of free, direct support to meet the needs of all New Yorkers, including young people, communities of color, and people with serious mental illness. Everyone has been affected in some way by this past year, and our mission is to ensure that every person has the support they need. Visit to find mental health resources and substance misuse support that meet your needs.

Reduced-Fare MetroCard Transition to OMNY
As you may have heard, MetroCards will soon be phased out and the MTA is transitioning to the “OMNY” card system, which will have physical and digital cards. If you are a reduced-fare rider and want to get ready for the switch, you can register for information about the program roll-out HERE. OMNY is already providing reduced fares with connected bank cards, but if you desire a physical card, these cards are expected to roll out later this year.
(If you do not have a reduced fare but wish to apply, you can visit the MTA’s website HERE if you are over 65 and/or have a disability or HERE if you are applying based on income.)

Next Wednesday, 01/22 at 6pm, the SUNY Downstate Advisory Board will hold a public hearing on its work to envision the future of this critical health care institution. It is expected to take place in the Alumni Auditorium at Downstate. These hearings are open to all members of the community. This is a great opportunity for patients, employees, and neighbors to talk about SUNY-Downstate and share their thoughts on how to protect this important institution. Click here to RSVP.
Senator Rivera’s bill, the Local Input for Community Healthcare (LICH) Act, will be reintroduced this year with Assemblymember Simon to continue our push for meaningful community engagement in the hospital closure process. Senator Rivera is committed to working for meaningful reforms that give our communities the power to protect their healthcare services.

New York State Parks is looking to fill Park Ranger positions statewide for the 2025 Summer season. Park Rangers serve as ambassadors for the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. They help oversee a variety of environments including campgrounds, tourist attractions, beaches, marinas, trails, park offices, and more!
Park Ranger job duties range from responding to calls for assistance to proactively engaging with visitors in the parks and helping to maintain a safe environment for all. If you have a passion for the outdoors and love to connect with people, this could be the job for you! Apply before December 31.

Starting January 5, 2025, vehicles entering the Congestion Relief Zone in Manhattan—local streets and avenues at or below 60 St—will be charged a toll. The program will reduce traffic, improve air quality, and fund better public transit.
The MTA is hosting eight public webinars in December where people can learn about Congestion Relief Zone tolling. Webinars will explain why New York needs congestion pricing, how the Congestion Relief Zone works, what the toll rates are, who is entitled to discounts and exemptions, and other things people need to know before tolling begins on Sunday, January 5. The sessions will feature a brief presentation, followed by Q&A.
Learn more about the sessions and register to attend here.
For more information, visit congestionreliefzone.

HEAP Cooling Assistance helps eligible New Yorkers buy a fan or air conditioner for their home. Act fast to prepare for the hot summer. Benefits are available on a first-come first-served basis. Learn more about HEAP and if you qualify:

Since 1965, the New York State Senate Legislative Fellowship has given graduate and post-graduate students direct access to state government and the legislative process. Selection for a Senate fellowship is competitive. Strong personal initiative and principles are essential for success. Applications from a wide range of interests and disciplines are welcomed and encouraged. Many fellows are today employees of the Senate, the Assembly, the Executive Chamber, or state agencies. Almost all go on to shape public policy in some capacity.
If you are interested in applying, please fill out an application and send via certified mail to:
New York State Senate Office of Student Programs
208 Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247

THE NEW YORK LANDMARKS CONSERVANCY CELEBRATES 50th ANNIVERSARY WITH LAUNCH OF “50 AT 50” EXHIBITION FEATURING PHOTOGRAPHY & ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY Bartow-Pell Mansion, Gould Memorial Library, Church of St. Anselm and St. Roch are Among Sites in The Bronx Highlighted in New Exhibition

As part of its 50th Anniversary year-long celebration, The New York Landmarks Conservancy launches “50 at 50,” an extraordinary online exhibition featuring highlights from the Conservancy’s most iconic, memorable successes in preserving and protecting the architecture that helps make New York the greatest city in the world. Visitors to the “50 at 50” exhibition will experience, borough by borough, the Conservancy’s work to preserve not only physical landmarks, but also the stories and the history behind them, all woven into the fabric of the City we all love.
Through stunning contemporary and historic photographs, “50 at 50” celebrates the nonprofit’s continued determination to save the City’s unique architectural heritage. From the Conservancy’s first project in 1973, finding a new use for the vacant U.S. Custom House on Bowling Green, the exhibition highlights 50 examples of the Conservancy’s critical work that over the past half century has helped save major public buildings, brownstone blocks, irreplaceable religious institutions, and much more.
“50 at 50” explores the scope of the Conservancy’s impact on New York, working in diverse neighborhoods in every borough, and examines the significance of each building and what the Conservancy did to help. Highlights include: Mother AME Zion, Moynihan Train Hall, South Street Seaport Museum, Eldridge Street Synagogue in Manhattan; Green-Wood Cemetery, Erasmus Hall Academy Building in Brooklyn; Flushing Friends Meeting House, Bowne House, TWA Flight Center and Hotel in Queens; Gould Memorial Library, Bedford Park Congregational Church in the Bronx, and Alice Austen House on Staten Island.
In 1973, The New York Landmarks Conservancy’s visionary founders realized that designation alone wouldn’t always save a building, and they saw the need for a group with financial and technical skills to help property owners maintain their historic structures. They also sought a group that could devote the time required to pull off major preservation projects. From its gutsy beginnings finding new uses for vacant public buildings, the Conservancy has become one of the largest preservation groups in the country. The Conservancy’s range of financial and technical programs has helped maintain more than 1,300 historic structures, providing more than $60 million in grants and loans which has leveraged $900 million to preserve worthy buildings and neighborhoods.
In addition to the “50 at 50” exhibition, the Conservancy will produce a lively summary of its 50 years in an online and print magazine compiled by Architectural Historian Anthony Robins and plans are underway to visit each Borough Hall to focus on loans, grants and projects in each borough, as well as special events to mark the year-long celebration.
The “50 at 50” exhibition is curated by Donald Albrecht and Thomas Mellins, with contemporary photographs by Noel Sutherland and design by SJI Associates.

Discounted Orfeo Tickets

Orfeo ed Euridice
Last seen at the Met in the title role of Philip Glass’s Akhnaten, countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo stars as the mythic hero who ventures into the underworld to rescue his beloved Euridice. Soprano Ying Fang is his ill-fated bride, with soprano Elena Villalón in her company debut as Amore, the god of love who sets Orfeo on his quest. Christian Curnyn makes his Met debut conducting Gluck’s sublime setting of the ancient tale, enlivened by exuberant choreography from the legendary Mark Morris and featuring members of his renowned dance group.
Production a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer J. Thomas, Jr.
Revival a gift of Douglas Dockery Thomas
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Council and District 11 Councilmember Eric Dinowitz.
This concert is also funded in part by a grant from the New York City Tourism Foundation.

Under 18 and live in Community Board 6?
CB6 is offering ten (10) scholarships to cover the payment of any class you wish. Please email education@bronxriverart.
Bronx residents are eligible for a 40% discount!
If you live in any of the following Zip Codes (10451-10460, 10462, 10467, 10472-10474), enter your Zip Code as a Promo Code when you buy your tickets on Eventbrite to get 40% off. Click here for further instructions. Discount applies for in-person sales as well.
Questions? Email info@

We have more
Digital Classes!
Teens & Adults
10 weeks – Thursdays 6:30-8:30
Digital Animation with Tony Burstion
Using an assortment of free apps, you will create your own videos.
Teens & Adults
10 weeks – Saturdays 11-1
Digital Photography with Vicky Azcoitia
Teens & Adults
We are now offering 5 Week Classes!
Saturdays 3-5 with Gabriel Freire
Photo and Video Art using Photoshop & Lightroom
(1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8)
Digital Videography using Photoshop & Lightroom
(2/15, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22)

On View from January 10 to February 15
Opening Reception: January 10 from 4-7pm
In the grand narratives of art collecting, we often encounter stories of wealthy patrons and prestigious institutions. Yet there exists another, more intimate history of collecting—one that unfolds in artists’ studios, homes, and personal spaces. This exhibition turns our attention to artists not only as creators but as collectors, revealing how their gathering of objects shapes their creative vision and practice.
Curated by Alena Alekseeva, The Artist’s Cabinet will see visitors transported beyond the conventional white cube gallery space into something more akin to an artist’s private domain. Each installation functions as a personal cabinet of curiosities, where artworks coexist with collected objects in arrangements that follow the artists’ own internal logic.
BRONX RIVER ART CENTER Celebrating 37 Years of Bringing Arts & Cultural Programs to the Bronx
Winter Registration is Open!
Under 18 and live in Community Board 6?
CB6 is offering ten (10) scholarships to cover the payment of any class you wish. Please email before signing up to take advantage of this offer. If you are unsure if you live in CB6, check the map by entering your address.
Bronx residents are eligible for a 40% discount!
If you live in any of the following Zip Codes (10451-10460, 10462, 10467, 10472-10474), enter your Zip Code as a Promo Code when you buy your tickets on Eventbrite to get 40% off. Click here for further instructions. Discount applies for in-person sales as well.
Questions? Email for more information about free program availability,
NEW! Intro to Stained Glass
Wednesdays 6:30-8:30
5 weeks: 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26
In this introductory class for adults, glass artist Ron Zwerdling will teach the basics for working with flat colorful glass. You’ll explore the basic methods of construction like cutting, grinding, foiling, and soldering, and work with provided patterns to create a finished stained glass panel ready for display. As with our other classes, all materials are provided!
Expressive Landscapes
Saturdays 2:30-4:30
1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22
Taught by artist Jaron Newton, this class focuses on landscapes and scenes. Participants will use color, brushstrokes and mark making as an emotive tool to convey their ideas.
We have added more Adult Clay Classes!
10 weeks – Saturdays from 2:30-4:30
Pottery Wheel Throwing Class with Ana Ruiz-Castillo
Our pottery courses introduce students to creating ceramic forms utilizing the potter’s wheel. A range of techniques will be demonstrated as starting points to using the wheel as a tool for creating forms. The design, function, decoration, and presentation of the thrown forms will be emphasized through course assignments.
5 weeks – Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 (1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 2/5, 2/12)
Ceramics: Objects of Importance with Jill Cohen-Nuñez
In this special ceramic class, brand-new instructor Jill Cohen-Nuñez will guide you through the history and creation of ritual objects. Students will learn basic ceramic hand-building techniques, such as slab and coil building, pinch pots, and glazing to create personal objects of importance. Students will be encouraged to reflect on their own rituals and the role of objects in enhancing or furthering those practices as inspiration.
We have added more Youth/Youth & Family Classes!
5 weeks – Wednesdays from 4:30-6:30 (1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 2/5, 2/12)
Drawing & Painting with Shawn Hill
From pencil to watercolor and acrylic paints, students will learn different ways to express themselves through art and learn the basics of composition, form and color.
10 weeks – Saturdays from 10-12 or 12-2!
2D, 3D & More! with Dana Barnes
Join new instructor Dana Barnes for a class that incorporates drawing, painting and sculpture. Students will be using paper, fabric and repurposing recycled materials students to make a variety of beautiful artwork.
Free After School Program for Middle Schoolers MSCreate featuring JJGrant
Winter session starts January 6th!
Check out BRAC’s newest program! MSCreate is a free after-school program designed to build critical thinking skills in a safe and supportive environment through engagement with a wide array of visual arts. The program runs five (5) days a week from 3:30-6:30pm, with classes starting at 4:30pm. Geared for creative students who are considering specialized high schools and building their art portfolios, the session ends with a student show in our gallery and a small stipend for participants with good attendance.
Registration is OPEN for Fall Afterschool & Saturday Art Classes

Curated by Ciaran Short
Opening Reception: Thursday October 31st, 6pm-8pm
On View: October 31 – December 7, 2024
Image: Christl Stringer, Bootleg Post Vacation Blues, 2024
Chaos Theory: The Spectrum of Black Abstraction is a group exhibition of new and recent works by a group of black artists interpreting the theme of black abstraction through sculpture, assemblage, photography, printmaking, and painting. Depictions of voids, deconstructed bodies, and synesthetic emotional states offer diverse approaches to how blackness might be defined. Precarious, intricate, and even ephemeral materials depicting the human form underscore its fragility. Yet through abstraction, the self dissolves into textures, feelings, and concepts left open to observation and interpretation. Chaos Theory: The Spectrum of Black Abstraction features work by Abreale, Amani Heywood, Austin Sley Julian, Christl Stringer, Freddie L. Rankin II, Garry Grant and Shangari Mwashighadi. The exhibition is curated by Ciaran Short.

(Full descriptions available at
Children and Teen Classes (ages 7 – 17): $50 for 5 sessions
Child & Parent (child must be ages 6 – 12): $90 for 5 sessions
Young Adult and Adult Classes (18+): $60 for 10 sessions*
*$50 materials fee for adult ceramics and all pottery classes
Bronx River Art Center Presents:

Image: Kingsley Parker, Infancy II, 1988, screen print, 27/35, 22” x 30”
About the Curator
Andrea Callard is an artist working in digital media and on paper. Her early work looked at nature and its soundscape in various locations in New York City. How we live in our landscapes remains a central preoccupation for her. For example, Callard has spent a decade photographing Freshkills Park in Staten Island where, in its previous incarnation as Freshkills Landfill, New York City has dumped its waste for over fifty years before being closed in 2001. In 2008 NYC Parts Department began construction to turn this 2,200 acre parcel of land into a Park, and in 2012 the first phase of the park was opened. Just this October the rest of the 21 acre Phase 1 segment was completed. Turning the whole landmass into a huge city park will take nearly 30 more years.
Callard’s early Super 8mm films and videos were preserved with generous support from the National Film Preservation Fund, New York Women in Film & Television, the Fales Library & Special Collections and the Moving Image Archiving Program (MIAP) at New York University. Galleries, museums, and festivals around the world screened the results. These include Equenas Historias da Vanguarda across Brazil, Downtown NYC, Ambulante across Mexico, DOXA, The Maysles Cinema, The Museum of Modern Art, The Walker Art Center, The 7th and 10th Orphans Film Symposium, and the 56th Oberhausen Short Film Festival among others.
A memory of her early films led to Callard making industrial videos for Green Planet 21, an innovative Western recycling company. From 2008 to 2019, Callard documented and promoted industrial recycling and sustainability initiatives. She produced over 120 industrial videos as well as websites and other digital media for sales and advertising.
In 2013, the New Museum of Contemporary Art in NYC presented the XFR STN, an exhibition for media archiving in public, including members of Collaborative Projects, Inc. (COLAB.) The following fall, with a small group of media archivists, Callard developed an effort that became the XFR Collective, Inc. The XFR Collective lowers the barriers to archiving services for artists and activists at a modest cost. You can watch 400 videos digitized from obsolete formats at
In 1980, Callard organized “The Times Square Show”, a seminal exhibition by COLAB and affiliates. She photographed the show and many publishers including Phaidon Press, The Whitney Museum, Artforum magazine, among others, use them to illustrate the important works of this period in art history.

We hope that you can place them on your calendars and share them with the community.
Thank you. Stay safe and be well!
Barbara Selesky
Director of Marketing/Media Relations
The Woodlawn Cemetery & Conservancy
Upcoming Tours & Events
Join us virtually or in-person!

Get Ready for Epic Family Fun: Monster Jam® is Coming to Belmont Park!

Tickets on sale now to see the world’s most popular Monster Jam trucks and best drivers roar
into UBS Arena on February 7-9 for Arena Championship Series Central
Belmont Park, NY (September 10, 2024) – Experience Monster Jam® live and become a fan for life with an ultimate day of family fun at UBS Arena on February 7-9, 2025. Get ready to cheer, scream, and be amazed as massive Monster Jam trucks and world champion drivers take over Belmont Park for a weekend packed with high-flying action and jaw-dropping stunts.
This isn’t just any event—it’s As Big As It Getsä where 12,000-pound trucks stand on two wheels and fly through the air in competitions of speed and skill. It’s all happening at Monster Jam, where every moment is unexpected, unscripted, and unforgettable.
Get Your Tickets Before They’re Gone!
Tickets are on sale now at Ticketmaster. Monster Jam Preferred Customers get the first chance to snag the best seats; fans can still sign up for free to grab an exclusive pre-sale code. The general public can purchase tickets starting Tuesday, September 17.
Feel the Thrill of Full-Throttle Fun
Get ready for non-stop excitement as Belmont Park roars to life with gravity-defying stunts, heart-pounding races, and plenty of big air! The world’s best drivers tear up on the dirt as they battle for the Event Championship in four competitions: Racing, Skills, Donuts, and everyone’s favorite, Freestyle, where Monster Jam trucks defy the laws of physics and do the impossible. Fans will be right in the middle of the action, helping to crown the Event Champion as they get to score the drivers in real time based on their skills, stunts, and saves.
Start the Fun Early at the Monster Jam Pit Party
The day of fun starts at the Monster Jam Pit Party on Saturday and Sunday, where families can get up close and personal with these massive trucks, snap a selfie, meet their favorite drivers, and collect autographs. It’s the perfect way to start a day of adrenaline-charged fun, packed with family-friendly activities.
Don’t Miss the Monster Jam Trackside Experience
Arrive early and get revved up with Monster Jam Trackside, happening about an hour before the event. It’s packed with driver interviews, pit crew sneak peeks, and epic giveaways that’ll get everyone pumped up before the action begins. Then, watch as the opening ceremonies set the stage for non-stop Monster Jam madness!
A group of people posing for a photoDescription automatically generated
Meet the Superstars of Monster Jam!
These aren’t just any drivers—they’re world-class male and female athletes who have mastered controlling these 12,000-pound beasts. Whether pulling off insane backflips, nailing vertical 2-wheel tricks, or tearing up the track in all-out racing, these drivers are ready to wow fans with the most mind-blowing live motorsports action around.
The competition is fierce as 8 top drivers battle it out for the Arena Championship Series Central title and a coveted spot in the Monster Jam World Finals® in Salt Lake City, Utah, on July 4th weekend. Fans can cheer on their favorites, like Matt Cody in the legendary Grave Digger®; fierce and fearless Jamie Sullivan driving Sparkle Smashä, a six-ton unicorn with a bold attitude; and more!
Friday, February 7, 2025
Event Time – 7:00 PM
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Event Times – 1:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Pit Party open from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (Sat. 1PM Event Ticket & Pit Party Pass required for entry)
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Event Time – 1:00 PM
Pit Party open from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (Sun. 1PM Event Ticket & Pit Party Pass required for entry)
UBS Arena – 2400 Hempstead Turnpike, Belmont Park, NY 11003
Gravity-defying action, down-to-earth prices!
Tickets and Pit Party Passes are now available for purchase online at Ticketmaster
*Ticket prices subject to change – additional venue/ticketing fees may apply
TRUCK LINEUP: Grave Digger® driven by Matt Cody; El Toro Loco® driven by Fernando Martinez; Sparkle Smashä driven by Jamie Sullivan; Megalodon® driven by Angelina Nock; Zombie® driven by Jon Zimmer, Sr.; Terminal Velocity driven by Jon Zimmer, Jr.; Krazy Train driven by Triton Robbins; and Plane Krazy driven by Montana Robbins
**Truck and driver line-up subject to change
MEDIA ASSETS: Media can download truck/driver photos and other press materials directly here.
For Belmont Park event info, please visit this page on
For more info about a Monster Jam event near you, follow Monster Jam on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.
Subscribe to the Monster Jam YouTube Channel at
About Monster Jam
Unexpected, unscripted, and unforgettable, Monster Jam® features world-class athletes competing for championships on perfectly engineered dirt tracks that push these ever-evolving, state-of-the-art trucks to the limit. Beyond the 350 global live events each year, the Monster Jam brand extends off the track into the home through products, content, and merchandise that keeps the fun alive year-round. For more information, visit
About Feld Motor Sports:
Feld Motor Sports, Inc. is the worldwide leader in producing and presenting specialized arena and stadium-based motorsports entertainment. Properties include Monster Jam®, Monster Energy AMA Supercross, and the SuperMotocross World Championship. Feld Motor Sports, Inc. is a subsidiary of Feld Entertainment, Inc. Visit,, and for more information.
About UBS Arena
UBS Arena is made for music and built for hockey. New York’s newest premier entertainment and sports venue and proud home of the New York Islanders is developed in partnership with Oak View Group, the New York Islanders, and Jeff Wilpon. The state of the art arena has welcomed top artists from around the globe since opening in November 2021 including Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Chris Stapleton, Dua Lipa, Drake, Harry Styles, Marc Anthony and Suga. The venue delivers an unmatched live entertainment experience for guests including clear sightlines and premier acoustics.
UBS Arena is at the forefront of sustainability, recently achieving Zero Waste TRUE Silver certification in May 2024 in addition to its LEED Green Building Certification and carbon neutrality for operations.
Located on the historic grounds of Belmont Park, UBS Arena is located just 30 minutes by LIRR from Grand Central or Penn Station and is easily accessible from across the region via mass transit or car. To plan your trip, please visit
For additional information, please visit or @UBSArena on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Saturday, October 19 Phoenix, AZ Desert Diamond Arena
Sunday, October 20 Inglewood, CA Intuit Dome
Monday, October 21 Oakland, CA Oakland Arena
Friday, October 25 Sacramento, CA Golden 1 Center
Wednesday, October 30 San Antonio, TX Frost Bank Center
Thursday, October 31 Houston, TX Toyota Center
Friday, November 1 Dallas, TX American Airlines Center
Sunday, November 3 Denver, CO Ball Arena
Tuesday, November 5 Kansas City, MO T-Mobile Center
Wednesday, November 6 Oklahoma City, OK Paycom Center
Friday, November 8 St. Louis, MO Enterprise Center
Saturday, November 9 Memphis, TN FedEx Forum
Sunday, November 10 Lexington, KY Rupp Arena
Tuesday, November 12 Pittsburgh, PA PPG Paints Arena
Wednesday, November 13 Detroit, MI Little Caesars Arena
Friday. November 15 Minneapolis, MN Xcel Energy Center
Saturday, November 16 Milwaukee, WI Fiserv Forum
Monday, November 18 Chicago, IL United Center
Wednesday, November 21 Indianapolis, IN Gainbridge Fieldhouse
Saturday, November 23 Boston, MA TD Garden
Sunday, November 24 Washington, DC Capital One Arena
Tuesday, November 26 Raleigh, NC PNC Arena
Saturday, November 30 Philadelphia, PA Wells Fargo Center
Monday, December 2 New York, NY UBS Arena
Tuesday, December 3 Newark, NJ Prudential Center
Thursday, December 5 Atlanta, GA State Farm Arena
Friday, December 6 Columbia, SC Colonial Life Arena
Sunday, December 8 Charlotte, NC Spectrum Center
Monday, December 9 Nashville, TN Bridgestone Arena
Tuesday, December 10 Birmingham, AL Legacy Arena
Monday, December 16 Jacksonville, FL Vystar Veterans Memorial Arena
Tuesday, December 17 Orlando, FL Kia Center
Wednesday, December 18 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Amerant Bank Arena
Blessed with a special singing voice and an uncanny gift for songwriting, Florida’s Rod Wave is taking his own path to the top of the game. The St. Petersburg native, who has amassed over 21 billion streams to date, joined Taylor Swift as the only 2 artists to top the Billboard albums chart between 2021-2023. Rod’s last album, Nostalgia, topped the chart 2 weeks in a row and cemented his status as one of the pioneers of “pain music.” He first erupted onto the scene with the viral 4x-platinum “Heart On Ice,” which culminated a prolific run of 3 full-length projects in a 12 month span. His debut album, Pray 4 Love, was certified platinum within a year of release, propelled by the TikTok crossover moment “Rags2Riches,” and the follow up, SoulFly, became Rod’s first-ever #1 Billboard charting album. Known for his fiercely loyal fanbase, Rod’s extensive touring history includes 2 consecutive nationwide arena tours, grossing tens of millions of dollars on the road.

Coming Up Next at Lehman Center:
Associate Professor and CUNY Institute for Health Equity Director Dr. Maria Isabel Roldós to Co-Lead Grant Initiatives
The Bronx, NY—Lehman College is proud to announce Dr. Maria Isabel Roldós has received a five-year, $1.25 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA). In collaboration with Hunter College Associate Professor and Co-PI Dr. Judith Aponte, Roldós looks to develop place-based education initiatives in Bronx high schools to address health disparities and train students in health disparities research. Lehman faculty members Drs. Tailisha González, Mia Budescu, and Martin Downing are also co-health investigators.
“In the past decade, understanding healthy equity and disparities has become more crucial than ever. As a Hispanic-Serving Institution, our campus is uniquely positioned to transform the pipeline of students and professionals entering the research field while also addressing health disparities in our community,” said Roldós, an associate professor at Lehman College and director of the CUNY Institute of Health Equity (CIHE). “I am excited to work with high school students and teachers to create a lasting impact that will help shape the future of health research and open doors to new career pathways and contribute to the science of health disparities.”
The initiative will target The Marie Curie School for Medicine, Nursing, and Health Professions to develop and test educational modules centered around research on local health issues such as diabetes, adolescent mental health, sleep disparities, HIV and STIs prevention as well as community and population health theory and practicums.
“Lehman College’s Center for School & College Collaboratives looks forward to introducing high school students and their teachers to critical topics in community health,” said Anne Rothstein, founding director of the Center for School & College Collaboratives at Lehman College. “Students will have the opportunity to learn about health issues impacting them and their families and will develop research strategies to study community data and presentation skills to share their knowledge with their community.”
The education modules and strategies developed through the initiative will be integrated into the curriculum of Lehman’s Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) for an upcoming cohort of students. STEP provides academic enrichment in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with the mission of increasing the number of historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged Bronx students prepared to enter college. In addition, high schoolers in STEP will have the opportunity to earn college credit through the College Now program.
Furthermore, the grant will showcase the College’s scholarship and research in the Bronx and will promote community health forums with public health and health services practitioners such as the Director of Health of the Office of the Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson, the Division of Center for Health Equity and Community Wellness from NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and other community partners.

Partnership Promotes Pathways to Federal Internships and Careers to Students and Alumni
The Bronx, NY—Lehman College and the US Department of Health and Human Services are proud to announce a partnership promoting the Pathways to Public Service Recruitment (PTPS) program. This strategic collaboration aims to create internships and career opportunities designed to empower and advance Lehman College students and alumni who are pursuing careers in public service.
The three-year partnership will contribute to enriching the educational experience and equip students with the tools and resources needed for their personal and professional development.
“The signing of this agreement is an important step in ensuring we provide our students access to career pathways that will propel them towards a fulfilling and rewarding profession,” said Dr. Fernando Delgado, Lehman College President “We are excited about the possibilities this partnership presents and the positive impact it will have on our students while fostering a more inclusive and diverse talent pool for the federal government.”
The College’s Career Exploration & Development Center will play a key role in implementing the initiative by overseeing:
- Career fairs
- Professional development workshops
- Coaching services
- Mentorships
“Bringing the Pathways to Public Service Program to Lehman College will build a sustainable and productive relationship by providing Lehman students with opportunities for internships and entry-level positions,” said Chief Operating Officer Lisa Lewis Person. “This agreement offers Lehman students access to the knowledge necessary to further the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ mission to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans by ensuring the provision of effective health and human services and promoting continuous progress in the scientific foundations of medicine, public health, and social services.”
To learn more about the services offered through the Career Exploration & Development Center, visit here.
About Lehman College
Lehman College of The City University of New York ranks among the top five institutions in the nation for fostering social mobility. A four-year Hispanic-Serving Institution in the Bronx, it offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees as well as certificate programs in the liberal arts, sciences, and professions. The College’s community-driven mission and notable academic programs attract a diverse, international enrollment of more than 12,000 students who take courses on a 37-acre, tree-lined campus and online. Thousands more community members benefit yearly from a variety of cultural, educational, health, and economic outreach programs and services that Lehman offers.
About the Pathways to Public Service Program
In partnership with other HHS agencies, in 2019, ONC initiated the Pathways to Public Service (PTPS) program to equip students of minority-serving institutions (MSIs) with the knowledge and skills needed to be viable candidates in their pursuit of careers in public service through internships and entry-level positions. Through virtual fairs and professional development workshops, students are educated on the mission of HHS, the Federal Government’s Pathways Programs, and the federal hiring process.

When you make a tax deductible donation of $100 or more to Lehman Center for the Performing Arts, we will remember you by placing a personalized plaque on the seat of your choosing.
Depending on the amount of your donation you will have the choice of placing your plaque in the Balcony, Mezzanine, Orchestra, or VIP Section (the first 10 rows of the theater)!
In 2018 Lehman Center purchased beautiful brand new seats, as part of this development we are giving you a chance to be part of Lehman’s history by naming a seat in your name or a loved one when you make a tax deductible donation of $100 or more.
Naming a seat is a meaningful and thoughtful way to connect your personal experience or memories with the rich history of Lehman Center – one of New York’s most treasured performing arts venues.
In order to keep our staff, audiences, and artists safe: proof of vaccination and masks will be required to attend any events at Lehman Center for the Performing Arts.

Broadway HD:
Right now when you buy a BroadwayHD subscription, you will also be supporting Lehman Center! Broadway HD offers hundreds of Broadway-related programs including musicals, concert events and plays, as well as Broadway classics, Cirque du Soleil, ballet performances, BBC’s Proms concerts, Disney’s Broadway Hits and more.

Podcast on Artrepreneur!

“Making the Invisible Visible”: A Conversation with Eileen Jeng Lynch
Join Grace Cho, CEO of Artrepreneur, and Eileen Jeng Lynch, Director of Curatorial Programs at The Bronx Museum, for a riveting discussion about forging a new path and her dynamic role at the museum.
Tune in to this inspiring story about being true to yourself, taking pride in starting over, and creating a safe and engaging space that truly serves everyone.
In-Person Exhibition

The Bronx Museum Turns 50!
To mark the 50th anniversary of The Bronx Museum of the Arts, we celebrate the cultural wealth of our communities and bring to light the stories, voices, and visions of artists seeking a more just and equitable world.
Help us continue our mission for 50 years more by making a fully tax deductible donation today!
Free COVID-19 Home Test Kits for Pick Up
Every Tuesday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM
The Bronx Museum of the Arts has joined several cultural institutions around New York City in distributing FREE at-home COVID-19 test kits in partnership with NYC Test & Trace Corps. The kits will be available for pick up at the Museum on Tuesdays between 1:00 and 4:00pm while supplies last. Stay tuned for updates and read more on our website HERE.
Upcoming Exhibition:
Culture in Color: Selections from Teen Summer
Online Exhibition


Featured Image: Snapshots from the Opening Reception of Support Systems.
Support Systems is on view through Tuesday, February 25, 2025, in the newly relocated Longwood Art Gallery at BCA Headquarters in Westchester Square (2700 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, NY, 10461). The gallery is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Walk-ins are welcomed. To schedule a tour, please contact the gallery at or call 718-931-9500 Ext. 22.
On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM, join us for the Support Systems Public Program, The Foundation for the Advancement of Gayguys of Wealthyx Experience Honors Shawn Escarciga.
This work aims to critique the classist, inaccessible, and money-driven elements of the historically oppressive art world. By using absurdity, Escarciga highlights “neoliberal shortsightedness” and encourages us to “think outside of neat little boxes” during a time marked by vast hypocrisy and censorship in the arts.
The BCA Community Residency program is a paid arts engagement initiative that places artists in residence at community-based organizations throughout The Bronx. Those with experience working with youth are strongly encouraged to apply.
Friday, February 7th, 11:59 PM
Apply Now
The Longwood @ Governors Island paid artist residency program offers Bronx-based artists free studio space for six months to explore, create, and develop their work.
Tuesday, February 18th, 11:59 PM
Apply Now
Join us for the next installment of BCA professional development workshops, Elevate Your Artistry: Mastering Creative Practice and Entrepreneurial Skills, and take your artistic practice and business acumen to the next level.
Virtual Workshop Schedule:
Workshop I: Hobbyist to Professional
Tuesday, February 18th, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Workshop II: Crowdfunding: From Soul-Sucking to Success!
Tuesday, March 4th, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Workshop III: Navigating a Career in the Arts
Tuesday, March 18th, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Crossroads of Coming-of-Age: Memoir Writing with Mariposa Fernández
Poet and educator Mariposa Fernández leads this free dynamic online workshop exploring the pivotal moments that shape identity through coming-of-age memoirs.
Saturdays from January 18th through February 8th from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Zoom.
Memoir and Poetry: The Perfect Pair with Dara Kalima
In this workshop, participants will explore the relationship between poetry and memoir, how each serves as access points into the other, and how both can use the same sources for creative expression.
Thursdays from February 13th through March 6th from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM on Zoom.
Featured: Grantmaking Manager Tracey O’Reilly and Bronx Cultural Visions Fund Grantees at BCA HQ.
We’re hiring! Explore a variety of exciting opportunities with us. Visit our website to learn more and apply today.

Featured Image: Opening Reception of the BCA exhibition Geographies of the Self.
BCA is launching its first Longwood Art Gallery Curatorial Fellowship, a six-month paid opportunity for Bronx-based emerging curators to assist with three exhibitions themed The World We Want to Live In. Gain hands-on experience, work closely with the Gallery Director, and earn a $3,500 stipend. The Fellowship takes place between January and June 2025. Apply by Monday, November 15, 2024.

This class teaches basic skills and good work habits that are essential to mastering Photoshop, and its complex range of possibilities – skills that will better prepare students for a lifetime of creating digital art with ease. Geared for ages 13 and up, this class will be valuable both for building portfolios for school applications and expanding job opportunities for adults in the digital design fields. In this course you will have great fun exploring your creative vision on the computer.
Digital Art and Illustration is taught by Maria Ferrari. Born in Brooklyn, Maria been a still life photographer and graphic designer working in New York City’s photo district for the past 30 years. Her clients vary from advertising agencies, to book publishers, to non-profit organizations. She is known for her attention to detail and relentless dedication to her craft.

This class is an introduction to the skills and techniques for working in painting. It will guide students through their preliminary painting experience. Students will learn to work with multiple paint mediums (including acrylic and watercolor) and be introduced to the basic concepts of painting exploring color, form, and composition.
Painting is taught by Jonathan Berry. Jon is a New York-based artist primarily focused on public works utilizing aerosol paint, exploring the concrete and abstract relationships between letters since 1983. A MFA graduate from the Rhode Island School of Design, Berry has participated in festivals from Tahiti and Denmark to the streets of Hong Kong. In 2019, he painted his largest work to date (approximately 120×40 meters) as an invited artist for Rust Magic; a mural festival in Edmonton, CA bringing international artists together to paint large scale works across the city.

With a focus on composition, we will practice our craft by sketching the landscape still life, abstract, and figurative drawings of master artists, contemporary artists, illustrators, and photographers. Students will be drawing with graphite, charcoal, color pencils, markers, ink, ballpoint pens, and pastels, and use kneaded and rubber erasers.
Drawing is taught by Tiffany Miller, a multi-disciplined, experimental artist from The Bronx. Primarily a self-taught artist, Tiffany’s paintings are surreal, expressionistic, mournful, and darkly humorous. Many of the bright colors she uses invoke the Caribbean Carnival tradition. Her work has been featured in France and Brazil as part of the Street Art without Borders Project and at various galleries in the New York Area, such as the Corridor Gallery in Harlem.

This class focuses on learning about the structures of manga / anime characters using shapes and anatomy for movement. Students will focus on the creation of chibi-style caricatures, develop pacing, setting up scenes using panels, working with depth, and the use of lighting and shadow techniques. Students will work on developing their own manga and anime characters to tell their own stories.
Cartooning is taught by Greg Maldonado, a Bronx born and based artist. Having studied art and comics at the School of Visual Arts, Joe Kubert School, and the Arts Students League, his published credits include short stories in “Create, Destroy, Repeat: A Comics Anthology of Rebirth and Redemption”, “Shock-a-Rama”, and “The Shaolin Nun.” He was also part of the inaugural class of DC Comics’ The Milestone Initiative.

Let us guide you through the intricacies of the human form. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned artist, this class caters to all skill levels, focusing on gestures, form building, and honing your observation skills. Elevate your creativity and refine your skills with our figure drawing sessions—reserve your spot now, and let’s unleash your artistic potential together. Students will be drawing with graphite and charcoal, and use kneaded and rubber erasers.
Drawing from Life is taught by Douglass Guy. Through his studies at the Art Students League, Douglass has over fifty years of drawing and anatomy studies experience.
WEEKLY ART CLASSES (Full descriptions available at

Enhance your visibility and attract commissioned work by becoming part of the thriving artist community on BCA’s FREE Bronx Artist Registry. This complimentary, all-encompassing directory showcases artists across various disciplines, serving as a prime resource for those seeking talented Bronx-based artists. Crafting your profile is effortless and free – join now!
Already listed? Ensure your profile stays vibrant by updating it with your latest information. Don’t forget to extend the invitation to your friends!


Are you looking to give your practice more visibility or gain more commissioned work? Join the growing community of artists already listed on BCA’s Artist Registry, a free comprehensive directory featuring artists across disciplines that serves as a direct resource for anyone looking for their next Bronx-based artist to work with. Creating a profile is free and easy to do!

BCA is hiring immediately for the following positions. If you or someone you know would be a fit, apply now!
DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS | Full-time, hybrid
GRANTS MANAGER | Full-time, hybrid

The 5-day Dance Bridge Workshop serves youth between the ages of 13 and 18. Youth participate in theatre games, writing assignments, and discussions topics that inspire new ways of dancing, connecting, and communicating. Students create their own choreography, take master classes with NYC professionals and share their work.

BCA is pleased to announce the launch of a new grant opportunity in partnership with the Mertz Gilmore Foundation: The Bronx Dance Fund (BDF). This grant seeks to support the development of Bronx-based individual dancers and dance organizations

“In Scope,” is a live-streamed Bronx-based performance residency with dancers and visual artists producing an immersive series of short experimental films, talkbacks, and outdoor public performances reflecting the daily life of Bronx residents, its creative history, and the artists that influence their communities.


BAFA’s IMLD event presents a catalytic platform where education meets performing arts. Following an early morning walk to commemorate the forefathers who had fought to preserve the Bengali language, BAFA hosts a full day of events emulating the cultural festivities of Bangladesh: traditional bengali music, dance, literature & poetry recitations.
Through the SU-CASA program, BCA connected experienced teaching artists and local seniors to participate in virtual arts programming. Ruth Marshall, a returning SU-CASA teaching artist, took to Zoom offering Covid Crochet to seniors this spring. Seeing first-hand the joy created by her SU-CASA workshops has sparked new inspiration for Ruth’s future work as a teaching artist.


Bronx Night Market Returning in April 2023
We are pleased to welcome back the Bronx Night Market at Fordham Plaza starting in 2023! Bronx Night Market is making its return for to celebrate the borough’s 5th anniversary of the festival. The market will return to the original 4 pm to 10 pm time slot which will be accompanied with a large stage, food trucks, and an outdoor cafe. The market is partnering with local organizations and will be expanding its operation to produce pop-up series at Lou Gehrig Plaza. The Bronx Night market will partner with popular brands such as Target, DoorDash, P.C. Richard & Son, Truly Hard Seltzer, and many more! Interested in finding out more about the work of the Bronx Tourism Council, follow us on Instagram @thebronxtourism or visit us at If you have an event that you would like to submit for consideration, please submit form here. |

Savor the Bronx restaurant week is back! The Bronx Tourism Council is currently recruiting restaurants to take part in this 6 day event to promote the diverse, delicious restaurant scene we have here in
The Bronx. All participating establishments will offer a price fixe menu with discounts of their choosing. Click the button below to submit a participation form for Savor the Bronx by January 31st
(please note: you must create a Google account to fill out the form).
Interested in sponsoring Savor the Bronx? View more information here.
Contact Julius Drake at with any questions.
Last Chance to Purchase Tour de Bronx 2024 Photos & Merchandise
We are still selling Tour de Bronx merchandise and photos – but not for long! We encourage you to purchase photos and T-shirts before December 31st, 2024. You can buy digital and/or print photos, and you can even have a photo put on a mug, ornament or other keepsake* to treasure for years to come.
This would be a great gift for anyone who rode in Tour de Bronx
The 30th Annual Tour de Bronx Bike Race

Tour de Bronx is an annual bike race that aims to get riders around The Bronx, seeing some of its most beautiful sights. This year’s race will be on Sunday, October 6th at 10 a.m.
Registration for Tour de Bronx will start soon. Follow us on Instagram at @bronx.tourism and keep an eye on our website,, to stay up to date on all information related to the ride.

Noise Code Program

There is a program that permits private citizens to witness violations of the Administrative Code and to have a summons issued for particular violations of the Noise Code. These cases are prosecuted at the city’s Office of Administrative Tribunal and Hearings (OATH). Hundreds of these summonses have been issued to date and you should inform your members of possible violations being served in the community and how to avoid them.
· The noise code authorizes a citizen to issue a summons for certain sections of the code.
· This section of the code carries a first penalty of $440 and a default of $1750 for a first summons.
· There are approximately 5 very active citizens that issue these and there are hundreds of summonses from each of these citizens that are being heard at OATH.
· The summonses are being given to many restaurants, hotels and other hospitality venues.
· A successful case at OATH yields a bounty for the summons issuer (25 % of the fine).
The Noise Code states:
it is a violation of the noise code for any person to operate or use or cause to be operated or used any sound reproduction device, for commercial or business advertising purposes or for the purpose of attracting attention to any performance, show, sale or display of merchandise ….:
(i) outside or in front of any building, place or premises or in or through any aperture of such building, place or premises, abutting on or adjacent to a public street, park or place…..
In sum, businesses are not permitted to play music or recordings outside of their premises and they are subject to violations of the code

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